
ThisexamplearticleoutlinesandpreviewstheessentialfeaturesavailableinInstantArticles—thinkofitasahighlightreel.Learnaboutexpandableimages, ...,GraphAPI.ReleasedMay23,2023|AvailableuntilTBD|BlogPost.InstantArticles.AsofApril20,2023,theInstantArticlesAPInolongerreturnsdata.,InsightsMetricsforInstantArticle.ThisobjectrepresentsthesetofinsightsmetricsforasingleInstantArticle,basedonitscanonicalURL....

Example Articles - Meta for Developers

This example article outlines and previews the essential features available in Instant Articles—think of it as a highlight reel. Learn about expandable images, ...

v17.0 - Graph API - Documentation

Graph API. Released May 23, 2023 | Available until TBD | Blog Post. Instant Articles. As of April 20, 2023, the Instant Articles API no longer returns data.

Insights Metrics for Instant Article

Insights Metrics for Instant Article. This object represents the set of insights metrics for a single Instant Article, based on its canonical URL.

Insights Metrics of Aggregated Instant Articles

This object represents the set of insights metrics aggregated across all Instant Articles that have been published by a Facebook Page. For more information on ...

Meta Developer Documentation

Meta Developer Documentation. Learn the basics of how to send and receive data from the Meta social graph and how to implement the APIs, Platforms, ...

【什麼是FB即時文章? (Facebook Instant Articles)】 不管是你 ...

2018年5月31日 — 放心,FB也是會有分潤給你的!,至於划不划算,我們會在第3點提到。 FB即時文章(Facebook Instant Articles) 的呈現情況 你只要打開手機版的APP,看到文章 ...

Facebook Instant Articles PHP SDK

The Facebook Instant Articles SDK for PHP provides a native interface for creating and publishing Instant Articles.


2023年5月5日 — Client: A simple wrapper around the Instant Articles API, which can be used for publishing Instant Articles on Facebook. The client provides ...

Facebook Instant Articles Integration

Feeds can be created in Publisher with a REST API /api/version}/facebook/instantarticles/feed/ POST request. ... Publish Your articles to Facebook Instant ...

Facebook Instant Articles

2016年2月26日 — Articles library - the API approach allows for greater control. Simply enable the Facebook Instant Articles API module. After enabling ...